Transit Oriented Development
Most recently, EBL&S has focused on mixed-use Transit Oriented Development projects, or "TODs", intended to spur urban revitalization and transform greyfield sites into Town Centers. TODs contribute to the built environment by connecting higher density development to local transportation lines. These sustainable developments aim to reduce automobile reliance, encourage pedestrian-friendly pathways and communities, and improve access services to neighborhoods.
As an advocate for smart growth development, EBL&S recognizes the inherent value that TOD delivers to both the community and environment. The company's team of developers, planners, engineers and architects strives to transform declining urban areas into compact, walkable, mixed-use villages that connect to high quality transit systems. These villages foster a unique sense of community and encourage a diverse and vibrant urban lifestyle.
EBL&S's flagship TOD in San Mateo, California, Station Park Green has been designed to meet the high environmental responsibility standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's ("USGBC") Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") rating system for neighborhoods and communities. This premier designation assures that the developer has designed an environmentally responsible neighborhood which incorporates the principles of smart growth, green building and new urbanism. LEED for Neighborhood Development ("LEED-ND") is the first national system for rating and certifying green neighborhoods.